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Update: “Weird Al” dropped a new collection, Medium Rarities, this week. The timing was entirely unintentional. However, I’ve changed the playlist accordingly. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. I was chatting to a friend of mine in the pub the other night and inevitably the conversation turned to music. I was trying to persuade him to get his old turntable out and start picking up some cheap used vinyl, when he mentioned that his… Quick metal, punk & hardcore news recap: learn about new music, tour dates, videos, and more via Idioteq's handy series! An festive program music computer for 4 or 5 areas. 2, ' and now ' other '. great agencies and edit them. 2015 Dec 30: Best of 2015 Dec 23: Best 2015 Comps Dec 9: Al-Atrash, Hafez, Warda Dec 2: Radio Freeform Vietnam Blind Guardian é uma banda de Speed Metal / Power Metal / Progressive Metal / Symphonic Metal formada no ano de 1984, em Krefeld, na Alemanha.

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